Friday, June 21, 2013

Impact 2013

This week was Impact at Lipscomb!  I think we decided that our first year was five or six years ago...crazy!  We LOVE Impact!  Since we are both working people now, we spent our nights this week hanging out with the youth group, worshipping, and listen to some great speakers!
Luckily we had some extra meal tickets, so Grant and I got to eat in the cafeteria with everyone each night.  No cooking this week! Yay!  After dinner, we would head over the gym where they would have some sort of entertainment like a comedian or magician.  There were some pretty cool acts there this year!  After that, they herd you out like cattle for a thirty minute break, and then herd you right back in for the nightly worship and speaker.  The worship was great.  It's so awesome to look out and see over 2,000 teens worship together!  
Jeff Walling spoke the first two nights, who is always great, and then the third and fourth nights our preacher at the church we go to Nashville spoke.  He is awesome!  The theme this year was about Honor.  Jeff spoke a lot about honoring God in both the good times and the bad.  It is so easy to only pray to God when you feel like you really need something.  But so often, we forget to thank and praise him when things are going well.  I needed that reminder this week!  Dave then spoke about how if we are honoring God with our actions, others will see that honor and it will flow outward.  He asked the question what if our youth groups and Church's didn't exist just for us, but as true tools for honoring God.  Think about all of the things we could accomplish!    
God does such amazing things at Impact!  Thank you for a great week!  Praying that the teens keep the enthusiasm they had this week in the months to come!
Klein and I were bored in between sessions!
She's so strong!

 Sorry, my picture taking skills were lacking this week...check it off :)

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