Thursday, January 16, 2014

House Update

We've made a little more progress this week on the house!  We now have some tile on the floor and some paint on the main walls!  We did have one minor set back this week.  Our hardwood was supposed to be in last week, but we never heard from the lady we are getting it from.  Grant called on Monday morning and it is on back order!  She said it might be another two weeks before it comes in, and then it has to acclimate to the house for a week, so it could be three more weeks before we get the hardwood in! Grrr....
Luckily, our list is still pretty long of "to-do's!"
 The tile came in!  Grant had to make two trips to Lowe's and unload about 60 boxes of tile by himself!  He was sore for about four days after that.
 This picture doesn't really do it much justice, but this is the half bath.  Its actually a little darker red than it looks in this picture. Since most of the main spaces are going to be browns and blacks, I thought I would freshen it up a bit with a pop of red in the half bath.  A lot of my accents and my dishes are red, so I think it's going to flow perfectly!
 We have tile!  Grant and Ray worked all night and laid this tile in the dining room.  It looks great!  You can see the paint color starting to go on in the background too (the brown not the yellow)  It actually looks pretty dark in this picture, but it's a little lighter in real life.  Grant's grandmother had picked this out for his uncle's house not long ago.  We loved it (and so did the rest of the family) and now about 3-4 families are using this color throughout their main spaces.  The tile is still waiting on the grout to be put in so I have to pick a color pretty quickly!
Our bathroom tiled!  Grant and Ray were ready to kill me after tiling this bathroom.  Apparently the 18x18 tiles I picked out have to be cut into a million pieces in smaller spaces like this bathroom.  Whoops :)  We are still waiting on door knobs, a new light fixture, new sink hardware, towel rack, and a new toilet is going in. 
Lot's of little things left to do, but it feels like we are getting a little closer!

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