Thursday, December 26, 2013


Friday, December 20th, Grant and I closed on our very first house! YAY!  We are officially owners of a home!
Friday morning we still had quite a few things to get together and packed up.  We were both off work, so we woke up early, packed up both of our cars to the brim (literally) and headed to KY to put the finishing touches on a few items before closing.  We ran by the place where we are ordering the hardwood to get a sample, switched all our names over at the gas and water company, got a sample of the tile that I have picked out for the house, did the final walk through with the realtor, and then made it to the bank by 4:00!

We went into the conference room and signed about five million papers, got the garage door openers, the keys, and the house was ours!!  So exciting!  The closing process wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be!  The worst part was definitely handing over the check for the down payment.

We were going to move all of our big furniture on Saturday morning, but it was supposed to be a terrible downpour and flood!  So, Ray got off work early on Friday and he decided they should come on.  While we were signing papers, Kem, Ray and Lane Roberts (a friend that's in high school) drove the trailer to Nashville, loaded all of our stuff, and then brought it back to the house.  Can we say Best In-Laws Ever!!  It was such a big help to not have to drive back on Saturday and try to move in the pouring rain.

After we got the keys, we headed out to house to unload our cars and wait for Kem and Ray to get back.  When we pulled in the driveway, Lisa had snuck over and left us this sign...

Loved it!!  It's so fun to have family and friends just as exited as we are for us to get home!
We unpacked our cars, and I dug out our new "M" for the frontdoor.  I had to put it on first thing so everyone would know it was officially ours! :) PS That front door will be getting repainted...

Grant's grandparents also came over and we ordered pizza for our first meal in our new home! Once Kem and Ray got back, we unloaded the trailer in the garage.  So, it looks like a tornado came through, but everything is there!  I have a bunch of pictures on my real camera, that I will upload later so that we can keep up with all of the before and afters.
Yay for actually having everything in one place for this first time in YEARS!  We are so excited and thankful to our family for all the help that they have done/will do.  I have a feeling we will be keeping everyone pretty busy these next few weeks!

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